Oh man, did I needed to read this, today! Motivation is a choice! In all the reading that I do on self-improvement just this little reading from 100 days of Weight Loss (Spangle) validated everything that I have learned about creating change. It all starts with you and it starts with all the thoughts, self-talk and attitude. Even when you are feeling drained there is still motivation that can be found within you. I generate the drive and energy in my head so my ability to do something, anything must start with me! I have the power to make it happen. I have to build it myself. I have been doing it without understanding it. It is about building the tools in your box so when you are feeling out of sorts, not in the mood that you do it anyways.
Based on Spangle's suggestion, here are the steps that I took to create my own motivation-
1. Choose an area that you want to change-
My example- I want to workout daily
2. Invent new tricks by making a list of all possible things that you can do to move you toward it-
Here is what I do to make sure I don't miss my daily exercise-
- Schedule it- you must write it down on the family calendar where it is public
- Sleep with your workout clothes on- this works so I can roll out of bed and do it!
- Set your alarm clock early and get up when if goes off- no procrastination!
- Make sure your water bottle and shoes are ready- it is by the door so no excuses!
- Carry weights and workout mat in car- always there, ready to go!
- On the days there is no boot camp- write down workout for myself and I just do it!
- Always stop and notice the changes in my body- I am noticing the muscle definition in my arms and legs!
- Remind self that you are the only one that can take care of yourself best- enough said!
- Reward myself by sitting quietly and enjoying a cup of hot tea and good book- non- food rewards are the best!
- Buy flowers for myself when I do what I say I am going to do for myself- Making myself feel good is so important!
It is so hard at times to get myself started so I just create ways where I take all the excuses away so I have no choice, but get going. This way I can just keep moving forward and making progress toward my goal of creating a healthy lifestyle change.