Mer's 100 Days

This is my healthy lifestyle journey. I made the decision to start reading this book- 100 Days of Weight Loss by Linda Spangle. As I read, I make it my own by summarizing and commenting on what the gist is and what my action is.  Action is the most important thing about this journey for myself. I have many, many years of bad  habits and so far this book is dealing with all of those issues for me by making me aware of my own physical and mental habits.
I want this healthy, active lifestyle to be permanent because it is time for me to take care of me. No one else can do it better except me so I made the commitment, the promise to myself to finally do this no matter what. I have to admit getting started was the hardest part. Staying the course has not been a piece of cake so much can get into a busy, working mom's way, but if there is one thing that I have learned so far from this journey is that once I started taking care of myself the other parts of my life became easier to deal with.
The support that I have from Mo, family and fellow bloggers has been amazing and so incredibly helpful, inspiring and motivating. I have also found that when I have bad days I go back and reread some of these posts. They are a form of my own support and they're reminders of why I started this journey in the first place.  So, I hope these posts help, support and jump start you on own journey toward a healthier you!



Day 1- I  Used to be that Way...

Day 4- My Boundaries

Day 5- My Magic Notebook

Day 17- How to Stop Wasting Food
Day 18- Retrain My Eating Habits
Day 19- Eat  Reasonable Amounts
Day 20- Half-off Special 


Day 21- I am eating with awareness
Day 22- Multi-task with food
Day 23- Savoring
Day 24- I am eating with satisfaction
Day 25- I eat smaller amounts, less often
Day 26- When food disappoints me
Day 27- I eat dessert when it is special
Day 28- Eating because it's there
Day 29- Handheld foods
Day 30- I postpone eating


Day 31- Hunger scale
Day 32- The 3 to 5 hour rule
Day 33- Fullness scale
Day 34- Listen to Accurately to You!
Day 35- The eating pause