I set goals and sometimes I reach them. Sometimes I don't. My intentions are good, but not measurable. From now on, I am going to make sure that my intentions are written down and measureable so I know whether I did it or not.
How to do it-
- Set intention by creating a specific action statement that tells what you want to do
- Follow it with a plan that states exactly how you 'll follow through with accomplishing this intention.
Make sure daughter plastic wrap cookies that she made for her soccer team before she goes to bed. Make sure that all leftover cookies are put away since it is better for them to be out of sight out of mind. So that you don't start searching for them make a cup of tea and sit and read a book or check facebook to distract yourself until bedtime.
Sometimes my intentions don't happen. Spangle says to look for holes and barriers that make it difficult. For me it is time. Once my science classes start at the University my intentions get all out of whack because it take me about 2 weeks to adjust to studying and doing the science lab classes. I will have to simplify my plan and make it more realistic. Thinking about being realistic, my exercise will need to be adjusted as well since I have not really worked out in 2 weeks. I am looking forward to gettting back to it and my spouse is joining me for some of my morning workouts.
What will your specific intentions be?
Working on losing it,
I think you are right about keeping the cookies away. In fact I did a short video about the whole "out of sight-out of mind" idea. You can see it here
I'm really enjoying these posts. Some really good tips. Maybe I should read that book?
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