Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 84- The Expectation Square

I have high expectations all the time.  I have a mental picture in my head about how I want things to be. If I were to put a box around my expectations this is what Spangle refer to my expectation square and unfortunately mine is quite small and ridgid since I expect everything to be perfect and if it is not perfect then my expectation is shot to hell. This is where my biggest downfall is since it is a self-sabotating cycle that I have been working on.  Spangle discusses the idea of widening the square so that my picture in my head is more reasonably acceptable instead of the "perfect" picture that I see.
For myself I have gone from "perfect" to
"striving for excellence"
"doing your personal best"
"seeing the joy in the moment"
"learning from mistakes"
"putting in your best effort"
"being open to it turning out different"
Let me tell you this is an important journey for me. To go from "perfect" to "acceptable" has made my reactions more calmer and more like the person I want to be. It has prevented me from giving in to frustations by eating. 

Working on the inside out,


Mer and Mo said...

A very thought provoking post today - thanks my friend!!


Parry Peach said...

I'd say you've come a long way from rigidity to LIVING. Striving to be perfect is a dream-killer and maybe obesity is just a living witness to the dying dreams so many of us have. This was a great post. Thanks for sharing your "truth." Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Progress, not Perfection. This is a great post and your attitude just glows through the words. Happy New Year!

Maren said...

Thank you both for your uplifting comments today. I needed it badly! ♥

Dawn said...

I am far too self critical, being unaccepting of my on mistakes, of being human. I kick myself all the time for saying the wrong thing or not doing the right thing. Accepting and loving ourselves for who we are isn't easy and I'm having to learn it. Its nice to find out we all find parts of life a challenge but that we can work towards goals whatever they may be, I love your positive attitude

Michele said...

Inspiring, Mer. Thanks for sharing. We, you, can do this. Let's get 'er done!

Joy said...

Oh working on the inside. Sometimes I think that's harder! I have learned a long time ago, that I will never be perfect. I am learning that it's OK to just be me. It's kind of fun actually. I have sure learned to laugh at myself!!

Keep up the great work and stay focused!

karen@fitnessjourney said...

I like that, you're not lowering your expectations, you're making adjustments and widening your vision of what you can realistically shoot for.