I received some Hawaiian Macadamia Nuts - all covered in Chocolate - and well, I have decided that those things just can't come into the house. I love the gift and I am not being an Indian Giver, but my son does not eat that many sweets and if that box did officially make it into my house I would proceed to eat the whole box in the course of just a few short week(s). For right now I just have to be generous. I asked my son what he wanted to do with the box, take some for himself and then I would take the rest to work or did he want to give them to his teacher at school (and she could share or just keep for herself). Well, the decision was for the teacher. She thanked him for the gesture and somehow in the course of giving it to her Aman proceeded to say "my Mom doesn't want sweets in the house". (so true). The response from his teacher was this - "that is a great decision and please do tell your Mom that she is looking really good these days". When Aman told me that story he got this really big smile on his face and proceeded to give me a big warm hug. I can see that he is seeing the change in me and that others are too. I am glowing about that comment and moment!
I had a meeting last night - had to drive some 45 minutes one way to get to it and it really was not productive at all. The plus on this - I packed my healthy snacks and munched on them when I felt the need, didn't eat them all at once. I even enjoyed a nice collection of Blueberries on the way home. I treated one of the ladies that works so hard on my day camp registration forms in the Boy Scout office to dinner. She was happy with Subway and I was thrilled when I avoided the cookie temptation to upgrade my "meal". And true to form, as in a post I read the other day, they really don't give you that many vegetables on your sandwich unless you ask for more, even then it is limited.
I then walked into my meeting and wouldn't you know it - cookies and munchies. I happily declined. Even had a laugh when I saw that they had chocolate milk. Oh - and I declined the offer of a piece of chocolate earlier in the day when I said I was a bit drained. I guess they felt it would be a good pick me up or make me feel better, but I was happy with my water and some gum tucked in my purse in case I did crave a sweet treat.

Staying MOtivated MO
1 comment:
Wow, Mo! I needed your willpower this week. I couldn't stay away from the crack pie I made the little guy for his birthday! But it was so good.
You are so lucky to have Mo time. I envy you when you get a weekend all to yourself, but you deserve it! So take care of Mo!
I am just so excited for you and all the changes that you are doing are so inspiring.
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