Friday, February 4, 2011

Some Keys to Success

This morning I looked over some of my helpful hints from the 100 Day Weight Loss Challenge (Spangle) and wanted to share. I am enjoying and making sure these are being used in my challenge - today and for many more days to come!!!

1. Always move forward - Your past does not effect your furture.

My past is NOT my future.
Today is a new day.
Move forward and tackle this new life with style, grace and ease!!!

2. Do what worked before - Think about times you have been successful in the past.

The walks in the park, the visits to the local gym, the enjoyment of making food not from a pre-processed box, slowing down and enjoying my food, making good food choices, asking for a doggy bag when I go out to eat, having support all around me...the list is endless for me. Putting it all to work is the key!!

3. No more excuses - enough said!!!

4. Create a finish line - build a vision, a collage of your new life, an incentive. 

My Vision board, that dress in the back of the closet moved to the front, a new pair of jeans!

5. Kick the roadblocks - make a list and "kick" it off the list when you have beat that roadblock. Write a list on paper, crumble it up in a ball and "kick" it around the room!!

Many roadblocks to kick off my list- going to struggle with some, but have KICKED a few at this point. Kicking them as they come at me and I am proud of what I have accomplished so far!!

6. Line up a support system -

I never believed this would be true, because I feel like people look at you and wonder "when is she going to lose more weight", or "oh, look she gained some of it back"....but I have a new look on life. I don't care what others think. I have to be good with me. Be accountable to me. 
And the support I do have should be solid support.
They will not crush you,  hurt you, be there to criticize you. 
Make sure your support is good for you, if not, make the changes to get the right support!!

7. Learn and grow forever - 100 days is just the beginning - keep moving forward, keep planning, keep growing so that you can continue to learn and have personal growth.

The teaching has begun - the student is learning - going to keep moving and growing even when my goal is reached. New lifestyle and I can say I am still smart, still funny, still MOtivated, but still ME!!!

Staying MOtivated


Grancracker said...

These are a lot of great ideas. You have given me a lot to think about. Have a great weekend, and keep going!

Dawn said...

I especially like the idea of always moving forward..not just in weight loss but mentally...trying to stop looking at the past and saying ..why did I do this to myself but looking forward
Loads of good ideas here