Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 36- Slow Down My Eating

Time is my worst enemy and "BUSY" is always the word of the day. That combination makes eating slow really hard for me.  So, I am going to have to work on this. This is a good week to do it since I am on mid-winter break.  I have no deadlines, no real places to run to.  I can take my time eating.
As Spangle says, " As with any skill, listening to your body requires practice." I always eat really fast because I have to get to the next classroom to observe or the next meeting with my boss or must prep for the next lesson or training.  So, I eat at my desk or on the run and usually don't even notice the eating pause.  I am already in the car driving to my next destination and while in the car is when I realize that I ate too much.

So here are somethings to I am going to work on-

  • Set a timer so that I will be finishing the last bite when the timer is up
  • No more eating at my desk, standing up or in the car
  • Make a game of catching yourself and others at the table doing the eating pause
  • Teach the eating pause to others and record their responses in your magic notebook 


Dawn said...

This is very good thinking..I don't know where but I read somewhere that they had done some research and found out that fatter people eat faster. I know it's true of me. Far too fast. Good to be reminded to slooow down.

scrapwordsmom said...

I never thought of using a timer when I eat. I am usually okay with eating slow...but there are times I just wolf it down!! Thanks for the advice...oh and that timer is darling. Do you have one?

Anonymous said...

Great thing to slow down your eating. It does really work. I started to realize that once I began to eat at the table and not while watching tv and I actually felt full for the first time in a long time.