Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Do I hafta.....

Yes, I really doooooooo.....

Can you tell I don't want to head out to mow the lawn. My backyard lawn is the worst and it does not help that I don't have the best lawnmower. I really want to go get a new one, but I want to research for the right kind. I saw one about a year ago - or was it longer - and it was the best. Now the shop that sold it is out of business, so the hunt is on for that perfect lawnmower. My mower has a cord...what a pain...my mower does not have a bag to collect all the grass in...what a pain...my mower is not self propelled...or it is that propelled at all....what a pain....but in the eyes of a person trying to lose weight - pain is good.

Saw this today on my journey through Facebook

So - it is not a I Can't kind of day - it is a I CAN day!!!!! I should be grateful I can mow my lawn, clean up my house, be mobile and healthy - okay, not that healthy, because I am overweight, but I have my home, a good son, I am out of work but have the blessings that I am now on a program that is helping with my mortgage, I have family that cares and calls often to see how I am doing, and friends that really are helping me out every now and then. I am grateful.

Going to do a second post today - that is my Step 6 - check it out and take the time to read.

Okay - going to go mow the lawn....


P - S - --- here is my yard, double that because the picture does not show it all...


Grancracker said...

Hi Mo, thanks for stopping by. I'm looking forward to see what Step 6 is.

Chubby McGee said...

Those "do I have to" days are serious bummers. The only thing you CAN do about them is to just suck it up and do whatcha gotta do. I did it today with my workout.

Just between you and me (and anyone else who reads these comments), I've got a bum butt right now and I was super worried about my workout to this morning. I was going to put it off and I was dreading it and stalling like a champ...but...I sucked it up and did it anyway. Hurt...but...I did it. ;)

I bet that lawn is lookin' fine by now, eh?

Hugs, Mo!

E. Jane said...

I'm more ambitious on some days than others. That's why I have to really get things done when the spirit moves me. I often want to read or be social, and that doesn't help with exercise and household projects.