Monday, February 6, 2012

Superbowl Workout

I was determined that this weekend I was not going to purchase any of the top 5 Superbowl food items and munch on them. (those top five - do you know what they are?). Even if I was not invited to one of my older sisters Superbowl party (inside family joke), then I was determined to not do my own munching and crunching this weekend.

I had a free weekend to do things for me. I purchased a new night stand for my bedroom, cleaned the car, the house, did laundry, organized the garage, did paperwork, and so much more. I didn't allow the Superbowl get in my way of being healthy this weekend. I also received super customer service at the Big 5 Sporting Goods Store on Saturday when I went to purchase some new workout shoes. I got a great deal on two pairs of shoes, one for just walking and a second pair to help with my other aerobic workouts, including if I decide to do another 5K in the near future.

In addition to not overeating, I had a Superbowl Workout weekend. I now belong to a new "gym"!! I love this gym. Not only is it FREE, but it is cosy, it is close to home, it is family friendly and there is so much equipment there that I can use. No mirrors, no staring big hunks (okay, big hunky guys would be sort of nice) and no skinny minny ladies who have to barely workout to drop 5 pounds. No one at this gym to judge me. This gym could be a bit warmer and I wonder if it will be cool in the summer heat, but I am not complaining. The equipment I have access to is a punching bag, a Total Gym set, a treadmill, a rowing machine and a Nordic Track Audio Strider (kind of like an elliptical) and in the summer I can use the pool. The reason it is family friendly, is because it is family. My little sis and her boyfriend just finished completing their home gym. She has added the Total Gym and the Audio Strider in the last few months. Her payments for some of the new equipment is the cost she would pay for a real gym membership, so she figures she should be out there as much as possible to give her the satisfaction that she is getting her money worth.

My sis and I hit the "gym" for about 60 minutes on Saturday and Sunday. While everyone was munching on Superbowl treats, we were both doing a dripping sweat workout while we watched Madonna lip sync her way around the stage. I am so looking forward to going back to that gym. More Super Workouts in my very near future!!!

How was your Superbowl weekend? Were you able to do a workout or two?

Staying MOtivated MO


Michele said...

That "family" gym sounds terrific. Plus you will keep each other Motivated!

You did great over SB. I did exercise: cross country skied several miles over the weekend, plus even got on my bike/trainer (not a personal trainer) for 30 minutes before heading to work.. So we are both MOtivated. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Yet another way to keep MOtivated!

I ate pizza that I constructed and did some swimming and walking. All in all pretty good. I also did some drinking. That may have been the best part. LOL