Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 73- All or Nothing

I stuggle with being a perfectionist. I want things to always be right and my way.  I think this comes from wanting, needing to be in control so that I can feel comfort.  So it has been for me an all or nothing when it comes to dieting. I am not very self-forgiving. I am hardest on myself. Atleast, that was me before I started this journey toward being healthy. Now I have as Linda Spangle calls it "put one foot in the gray" I have had to give myself some wiggle room for mistakes, have some courage to be imperfect and to not give up that day because I ate something that was not in the plan.
When I have a moment I love listening to TEDtalks and this following video has really made me think about how I am living my life,  how I am parenting my children and has helped me further with becoming more comfortable with being vulnerable and changing from perfectionism to striving for excellence.  This way the pressure on myself is eliminated and I can be more whole hearted, worthy of love and belonging and live without prediction and control. I am feeling it is a better way to be for me and allows for me to be more gentle with myself and others. 

Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability

Happy Holidays!


Maren said...

I am an all or nothing person.. and that makes me fail sometimes!

Mer and Mo said...

I am really focused at staying healthy, but have to work on doing more of the ALL on a more regular basis!! Glad that my "nothing" is non-existant!!
Thanks for taking the time this week to remind me of some very important points!!! Looking forward to talking to you on Christmas Day. Big Hugs -