For those of you that might be missing Mer and her great posts (I think they are great and they keep me motivated and I am so missing them) - well, she is very busy. Her and I still keep in touch by phone more often then not lately as she is on her way to work and I am rushing to finish pack up lunches and get out the door, too. - they have been great morning laugh, you have a moment to vent to me fests!!! I think the most time consuming aspect for her right now is the online chemistry class she is taking to achieve one of her credential renewal goals. When she is not online, she is traveling twice a week to attend the Lab portion of the course and thus no real time to blog. Then let's add to that the fact that there is motherhood, being a busy wife, work and juggling all that goes with it. I am planning a well deserved visit to Mer and her family this weekend. There is a family birthday party and chaperoning teenage girls at the amusement park on Saturday night. I am sure we will fit in a walk or two, and maybe even Pilates on Sunday, but just to have BFF time will be well worth the trip. Looking forward to a wonderful visit and I will post a picture update for all you fans!!!
Keep Smiling!!
Keep Reaching for your Goals!!!
Staying MOtivated MO
Sometimes a good cleanout is in order. If they all come back you'll notice again. :)
Have a great day!
I wonder about the folks that stop blogging, too. You get so invested in them. Mer and Mo, great to follow you and see that you are both MOtivated to make a difference in your lives.
Gosh, I was going to suggest Michele's blog (above) "Ruminations and Uncovering" but notice that you're already following her! A good housekeeping never hurts and it looks like you've got quite a few good ones already to keep you busy!
Hey! I will have a Day 25 and Day 31 graphic for you! :) I have a Day 15 too if you want it, but I didn't make a Day 20 :)
@Jessica - THANKS for the update and look forward to my 25 day button!!!
I often wonder what happens when blogs or Youtube channels just quit. Sometimes there is a last post with a goodbye or an explanation, but usually there is nothing. It's sad really. Anyways, I just found your blog and am enjoying it.
Phew - I'm just glad I'm still with you!
We have gone along this way together all the time and your blog and comments from you both has really encouraged me.
Its very hard ...so very hard to single anyone out....but one of my favourite bloggers has to be Chubby McGee...who is on a one track road to success...you just know she is and its great to read along
@Paul - great to see you share and pop in anytime.
@Dawn - I would never get rid of you- you for sure have been one of my main motivators and I am trying like heck to get to where you are at right now ** LOVING THAT 14 *** and I have to for sure say that McGee is one of my favorites, too. Too many more to list...just a little bit of cleaning was in order this week.
Sorry that I don't have time to read blogs lately, but when I do read I always go to my favorites- Chubby McGee, Dawn's, Michelle and Alan.
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