Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Award Day and Challenge Update

So, I received an award sometime back from Christina. It is just so wrong that I never really officially accepted it. However, I had a plan to "officially" receive this award. I have not given up on that plan..........

“Liebster” means “favourite” or “beloved” in German. The award is to do a shout out to us bloggers with under 200 followers and since Mer & I are way below 50 - we qualify.....LOL...Award etiquette dictates that I pass this award on to five bloggers who I feel deserve it.

However, I wanted to do something fun with this and share some other Blogs that share some or part of our own Blog Name - the Losing It part, that is..........check these blogs out and see what you think. Inspiration can be found in so many places.

Shane is Losing It for the family......just got back on track after starting Law School, but has been on a journey and lost 101 pounds...don't know how many followers he has, but lovin this new blog I found.

Jenn and Karen - We're Losing It - another "team" blogging - a Mom and a Daughter on the weight loss journey together. Again, lovin this blog and feel really connected to Jenn, or is that Karen - which one is the Daughter again - ha, ha.....

and just for fun.....

Sally at Losing It in France.........this one looks fun, entertaining and you might even get a few recipes out of it - a take on eating, but staying slim in just the way the French do it........I have to admit that I only just found this and well, it looks like she has only been blogging since March of this year, but it looks pretty cool - didn't think you could find another Losing It fan - LOL

There were several other blogs with the same lingo as the one that Mer and Mo have started here, but not many of them are still up and running. I did love the one with the couple, but they have not posted anything in over 6 months......makes you wonder, where did they go???

OH - and I added a ticker to the bottom of our page - I am officially on the move with my 2 hours a day of exercise each day for 31 days. I will say that there has already been one late night 1/2 hour workout, but I am doing it and loving a challenge!! I have a busy schedule today, and missed almost all of my alarm this morning, but I did get in 1 hour at 6 am. Going to pull out two 1/2 hour walks during work and after...I am even getting in some light jogging around my car in the garage in the mornings (we had major rain today) - kind of funny, but you never know, might have another 5K in my future. Looking forward to the next 27 days...or am I down to 26 now???

Staying MOtivated MO


Big Clyde said...

Cograts on your first 5 days! You are doing so well. Keep it up. You are inspiring others.

Grancracker said...

Wow Mo. Two hours a day, that is great! I am cheering you on!

Jessica said...

Great job on the first 5 days!!!

Parry Peach said...

Reading your post on Monday got me moving, too. Yesterday, I walked for an hour and did 3 miles. I haven't walked so much at one time in over a year. Thanks for the inspiration to get moving! You're doing a great job - keep it going!