Thursday, July 7, 2011

Finding Time for Me

Being a busy working mom, I struggle finding time for me.  So I have found that the mornings are the time when I can slip out of bed and go for a walk in my neighborhood.  The summer mornings are the best since I get to sleep in a little and go for a walk at the break of dawn. What a treat to watch the sunrise, listen to the birds and just have a quiet moment to myself.  I always feel better when I take care of me first before the demands of my family consume my time.
This morning was no different. I walked west so that during my walk back east I get to watch the sunrise.  I'm always amazed that the sun's energy is always in the sky and giving me warmth and light.   And today I added some weights and some core work when I got home.  It was a great change of pace and it gave me that boost of energy that I needed.  Exercising daily in the June Boom was awesome and I think I can keep it up during the summer, but not when I start teaching again.  It is probably more realistic to walk-run/weights/core 3 times a week and to continue Pilates once a week. 
So how do you find time for yourself?
Always on the move- MER

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I'm not sure I do!
But when time for me comes my way I am making the very most of a way I never used to