Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Table Top Visiting

*** Footnote - Mer and I happened to post at the same time today - just make sure you keep reading - Mer's post is a good read today ***

Sunday I had the pleasure of taking off and driving down to Santa Cruz with my son. We wanted to do this over the summer and never had the chance. Last Tuesday it popped into my head that we had nothing planned, nothing that we really needed to do and well, off into the car we would go. That same night Mer happened to call and invite us to Sunday Night Dinner. Her family almost always has this event - give or take soccer, work commitments or what not. Well, both of us had a good laugh because I had planned to surprise her by knocking on the door that night - there goes my surprise - but so glad that we were going to be able to join them this time.

Sunday Night dinner at Mer's was Fun, Fun, Fun!! Hide and Seek with a balloon, good friends and I even had a laughable moment when the two young boys in the group pulled out hot wheels and set up the race track right in the middle of the living room for all of us to walk around. The whole group was a count of 21. It was like starting the Thanksgiving celebration early.

I realized at one point I was Table Top Visiting. You know the kind - where you are at the table or the counter or the coffee table and the food is in front of you, but you are visiting with all the family and friends. You are munching on all the treats as you chit chat. Just because the carrots and celery were in front of me, there was also the wonderful smooth taste of basil tomato cheese, the pepper salami, the crackers, the bacon wrapped water chestnuts, the lumpia and the meatballs- yes, just the appetizers. Oh, and let's not forget the wine. When I was working on a small second glass of wine I realized that I can not be doing this Table Top Visiting. I do enjoy it, but it is deadly to my calorie count.

I got up and promptly sat down on the floor in the living room. I love the coziness of Mer's house and felt very comfortable sitting down on the floor to play with the kids, but still had the chance to visit with those around me. I started to stand in the kitchen watching the master cooking our dinner, but I was in the way and found myself going back to the Table Top to munch a bit again. I figured if I sat on the floor, I was safe from the Table Top Visiting (Munching).  Even if I have lost weight, it is a bit harder to get up from the floor. That was a good plan for me, would not be tempted to keep getting up and down to do more Table Top Visiting. I also found that the floor was a good spot for me when it came time to eat dinner. I only made a small plate of food- just enough and didn't go overboard. I went back to my spot on the floor (you might be giggling, but others were sitting with me - plenty of space, but remember, there were 21 of us and we all are very comfortable on the carpet space with pillows all around). I realized that if I was not at Table Top that I would not get up and make a second plate.

I have decided that a plan of action is necessary for my family Thanksgiving this Saturday (we meet on Saturday to avoid the heavy Turkey Day traffic and this allows others to do celebrating with their other halves families or what not). This coming Saturday I will not be able to sit on the floor - my family would giggle at the site - but I do plan on not doing any Table Top Visiting. I will make sure that I avoid the coffee table, the kitchen island and when it comes to the meal I will not return to the table with a second helping - just a clean place mat so that I can continue to Table Top Visit, but without the food right in front of me.

Table Top Visiting is wonderful, but be cautious of the fingers grabbing that extra roll, the extra glass of wine passing through you or even eating what might be left on the Turkey Platter as you visit with your family and friends. Make a plan of action so that your Table Top Visiting is just visiting and not munching.

Much love, happiness and Thankfulness to all my blog friends!!! Be Thankful for all that you have, no matter how big or small!!!!!!!!!!

Staying MOtivated MO

P.S. - our trip to Santa Cruz was wonderful!!! The rain stopped just after we ate lunch and the sun / blue skies gave us a chance to shed our coats, walk the Boardwalk, ride the 100 year old Carousel, hit the beach and goof off with the waves, and when we were having so much fun in the arcade we ran out to feed the car meter for another hour because Mom and Son found a game they could play together !!!


Maren said...

Happy Thanksgiving ! :D

Michele said...

Agreed, you must have a plan for T-Day. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your son!